We have come full circle. I attempted speech therapy with Ben (notice the word "attempted"). Putting an active and aggressive kid in a room for 45 minutes is pure torture, for everyone. I will spare some of the detail, because it isn't pretty, but really people, is there another way? I have this theory that Autistic kids specifically would be a lot more receptive to speech therapy in their own environment instead of in a torture chamber.
But I digress. My youngest son Shawn is delayed in his speech and comprehension. Our pediatrician is an amazing lady and she wants him in speech therapy and to get a psych eval to determine that he doesn't have a disability of some kind. Having lived in the trenches for almost twelve years, I can tell you this...what we are dealing with this time is dramatically different. I think that he is just developing at his own speed and not that of the "normal" kid. He says at least three new words a day and today was saying "I am AWESOME." Yes, you are!
Could he have Oddism (that is my word for Asperger's, because they are not at all similar)? If he has high-functioning Autism, I will eat my hat! We are talking: eye contact, social skills, initiating play, verbalizing, following simple commands, etc. I know the signs. I watch for them with all of my children now.
I am a hard-core, combat trained Mom of all trades. As we face a familiar situation, I say "Bring it on." I have handled worse.
Update: The first speech therapist had us come two times and then determined that Shawn didn't need her. We went to another office that our pediatrician referred us to and we love it! He is doing so well. He is communicating his needs. He has mastered. "Yes" and "No." If he doesn't like what he is being told, he will tell you "Be Quiet." He is even yelling at his older brother. Ah! Be careful what you wish for.
This little brown eyed boy is an angel and I am loving this experience with him and watching him grow by leaps and bounds!