Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Sea of Orange

I opened my son's drawer to get him a plain t-shirt without pattern or design and no tags. He's very particular about what he wears. It has to be comfortable and no buckles, zippers or snaps. Not hard right? Did I mention his current favorite color? Tangerine, pumpkin, flame, cantaloupe, carrot, and good old orange are his color(s) of choice. I opened his drawer to a sea of orange. Yes, there are other colors underneath, but his drawer is predominantly his "energy color," (that is his Grandma's phrase. It has to do with a key color to your aura. You ponder that one. It is too deep for my psyche).

Our only "real" sports team in this area has blue and orange for their team colors, so Benjamin has a lot of team spirit. Whenever he gets a haircut, he refuses to wear the cape, so he sits in his old t-shirt and when he's finished he gets a new orange t-shirt. Good thing he doesn't insist on wearing Abercrombie or Gap. We would be broke in no time.

We love when our son shows a preference for anything, because it is a form of communication. He has consistently had a preference for a certain color. First it was burgundy, which involved him nabbing anything that color from realative's houses when we would visit. He scored my Dad's pillowcase and his aunt's socks, but he made several other attempts. Then, for a while, he carried around a ratty old red towel like it was a security blanket. That was often convenient because he made a lot of messes and we had the means to clean up any liquid spill immediately by saturating his security towel.

He had security white socks too. He would only wear socks long enough to come to his knees. So they were generally men's socks. He liked to put on as many at once as possible. I don't remember his record, but I believe it was 7 socks on one foot and 12-14 socks on at the same time. It was quite a sight!

October is a great month for Benj to shine in orange all the time. We even get him one of those t-shirts that IS the costume. Perfect, a one size fits all way to show your holiday spirit. Ooooooooh, spooky!

1 comment:

  1. I liked the phase where he would walk around in just a diaper with just one red sock on.
