If you are ever feeling stressed out...cut your tension with...pruners. Oh yes! There are few things better for lifting your spirits than hacking away at something with a sharp object.
Work woes have you worried? Whack a tree branch.
Relationship confusing? Talk to a limb while shaping it to your desires.
You are in charge of the finished product, so sculpt, trim, and perfect. It won't criticize, rebel or strike back. Relax as you contour, control and carefully change the chaotic branches of your treetops to prepare for spring blooms that brighten even the dimmest day. This rain and snow that dampen our wintered spirits will evaporate soon enough into vivid skies, cottony clouds and bursting buds. Cut away the old growth and prepare for the rebirth of gardens, daffodils and Easter chicks.
After pruning my Wysteria, Mayten tree (Related to Weeping Willow) and our Weeping Cherry tree, I took branches and shaped them into various shapes. What better Valentine gift to give to the gardeners in my life than homemade wreaths? I also had fewer cuttings to take to the burn pile. Smart thinking. Now, Bough to me, I heart you.
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