I saw a T.V. segment about a woman's blog that brings in $40k a week. She has huge sponsors like McDonald's, WalMart and Target. Curiosity piqued, I checked out her blog. The first few I read were ordinary and docile with a photo of her baby girl and a couple of lines. I read one about breastfeeding vs. formula that made me laugh out loud and sent it to my sister.
After that email, I read a few more and found vulgar comments and foul language that made me regretful that I had sent my innocent little sister to pollute her mind in cyber distaste. So here is my point...why the language lady? Don't people know how much the "f" word cheapens them? Yeah, so you are just speaking your mind, not caring what other people think, blah, blah, blah. I think that it takes a keen intellect to be able to express yourself in descriptions, analogies, humor, and colorful storytelling. On the other hand, I think that anyone with two brain cells to rub together can spew out cuss words and vulgarities. They teach potty mouth early on in every public school education, but that doesn't make it a good thing to learn.
I remember when Bill Cosby was in the news criticizing his African-American counterparts who spoke "Ebonics." He said that it took them back hundreds of years to when his people weren't well educated. In essence, it devalued all of the progress that they have made toward equality. That is a tragedy. How we speak, carry ourselves and present our ideas to others, adds or detracts from our perceived intelligence. If the President started a speech with "Yo, homey! How's it hangin'?" his authority would definitely be questioned. (Not that we shouldn't question him A LOT anyway!).
So McDonald's, what are you doing putting your endorsement on a blog that encourages the degradation of intelligence and promotion of foul lanquage and vulgar comments? Wally World, are you discounting your standards as well as your products? Why don't you be a no-vice leader as well as a low price leader? And Target, I think that you really missed the mark on this one! Think again people, in Nice vs. Vice, vote for good, the way that you always should. Now play nice!
I think that Wendy's and Kmart will be getting my business for a while.