I know that every pyramid put out by the government tells us to eat plenty of vegetables to help us be healthy, but when can a good thing become too much of a good thing? When veggies get their own video series that your autistic son watches over and over adnauseam (that means it makes me sick!). My four year old yells "Not Veggie Tales! I want Thomas!!!" Or, heaven forbid, how about just leaving the T.V. on PBS? While I am wishing out loud, dreaming the impossible dream and planning how to spend my lottery winnings, how about some grown up television? Once upon a time, I remember watching shows with plots and dialogue, complex relationships and characters with arms and legs. Now I watch singing and dancing limbless legumes and articulate asparagus' (Asparagui or asparagusses?, see what I mean? My brain is gone). Is there any escape?
We try letting the other children watch their shows on a different T.V. or on the computer, but Ben is master of all. If it is in his realm, he dictates what is being viewed. How, you ask? Simply by stalking close by, waiting for a moment of weakness or a breach in security, then making his move. It is the same technique that he uses for stealing other people's food. I can't stand guard all of the time. I guard the T.V. for Wheel of Fortune occasionally, but it is exhausting to keep up that level of security for all viewing.
This persistance is why we are on our seventh DVD/VCR player, because he won't leave them alone. We also just spent a nice chunk of money repairing our portable DVD player and the small, yet sturdy, T.V./DVD combo that has been dragged down the stairs twice by its cord. It has such a strong will to live, that we just had to fix it. Plus, it was half the cost of replacing it. We just monitor how many movies that he has access to because apparently three at a time is just too many. We keep one player downstairs locked in a cabinet and the portable in the locked kitchen cupboard that I call the "forbidden cupboard." The combo one is upstairs in our always locked bedroom, so occasionally he can be upstairs with Dad and the rest of us can access the electronics.
I know that he will grow out of this stage like he did the Teletubbies, Blue's Clues and Disney CARS obsessions, but I'm ready to move on now! Those Veggies are rotting my brain!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/stickerart/3623387716/ Picture source
Thomas recently discovered the "netflix" button on the desktop... and found veggietales. It made me think of you. :)