Friday, October 12, 2012

Baby Dream

I am very pregnant with my sixth child and fifth boy. My first son CeDricK was a surprise. This little fellow was a shocker, but we are very excited for him to come.

My husband likes to do a baby check each night. He rubs my bulging belly, gets the baby all riled up and then turns on his side and goes to sleep. Since I am about 34 weeks into this endeavor, the baby is pretty good sized. You can feel little limbs and hard places that must be a torso or other bony area.

The other night, once the baby was "activated," my husband says "Wow, that must be a leg. I don't remember the other kids kicking in rhythm like this."

Later, as I was sleeping and dreaming one of my weird pregnancy induced dreams, I felt that leg again inside my belly a couple of times. THEN, the leg was on the outside of my belly! I gave birth to the baby through my belly button! The baby was all clean, which was nice. He was very blonde and beautiful. I don't really make blondes, but it was a dream. We didn't have any diapers for the baby because he was so early, but I found one in a sample pack, unwrapped it from it's packaging and put it on the baby. He was so tiny that the diaper swamped him, so he proceeded to swamp our bed by peeing out of the leg hole of the diaper. Then I gave him a bottle (odd, since I have nursed all of my kids) and was so distracted, that I didn't burp him and he threw up all over the place. I woke up after that.

I am guessing that I am not feeling prepared for a baby yet and that all of my insecurities were surfacing. When I told my husband about the dream, he thought it was pretty strange to dream about giving birth through my belly button. He reacted like most good fathers would and brought home a package of size 1 diapers.

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