My torrential three year old asked me for a candy Jane the other day. Not being the tightest wrapped candy in the store, it took me a few seconds to translate toddler-speak to his request of "May I have a candy cane?" Of course I thought his request was so cute that I gave him a huge crook shaped candy stick with a silly smirk on my face as I admired his clever cuteness.
When she was little, my baby sister used to call Egg Nog "Christmas Milk," which it technically is. We have called it that ever since. I love Egg nog cookies and using it in french toast instead of boring, old, everyday milk. She also used to call the shower a "rain room." She is still an imaginative young lady who recently turned twenty-one. Where do the years go?
Before I know it, my children will all be too old for Santa and only want giftcards for Christmas. I will enjoy their innocence while I can. BUT As much as I cherish this time in my life, I also can't wait for the sight of that glorious big yellow school bus that comes on Monday. God bless those people! They are what keeps me going somedays as I count down the hours until I have a little more quiet and fewer demands on my time. It has been a very full Christmas break. We had a good holiday filled with great food, not too much family and a lot of laughs, or "Schticks" as the great comedy skits are called. You should witness my family playing the game Apples to Apples. We are crazy, in a good way!
I LOVE apples to apples! Best game ever :)