One of the saving graces of little children is that to outweigh all of the naughty and obnoxious things that they do, they also do really cute things. My three year old is a troublemaking poster child. He gets into mischief at his every convenience and his favorite word right now is "No." He also runs around saying "I am not a newb." That is his big brother CeDricK and his uncle Kurt's favorite phrase. It means a New Bee, or beginner, Rookie, Know-nothing. They got it from Runescape, a computer game that sucks away the extra hours of both those two boys and my husband. I hate the game just for existing, but that is a whole different blog.
So J.B. is now a Sunbeam at church which is our cute phrase for children who turn four anytime this year, but my child thinks that he is a SunBEAN. The most common way that we end a prayer is to say "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." On Sunday when J.B. heard the speaker say that we have a Savior and his name is Jesus Christ," My son looks up from where he is laying on the ground playing quietly (yes, miracles do happen!) and says "Amen!" We all start giggling of course. I am no good at not laughing at the unexpected.
I laughed when he did something similar at home while we were watching General Conference. The people asked to say a prayer often take a really long time. J.B. was done listening well before the prayer ended, so he took matters into his own hands and said "Amen" and walked away. I like his style. If that method worked, I would use it on Fast Sundays, because they are usually not fast, but SLOOOOOOOOW!
He also calls our van a Wan. Maybe because we often go wah, wah, wah all the way home. I already did a posting about his calling a knife, a Wife. On days when I get irritated at him for playing in the flour cannister, smearing Noxzema cream or petroleum jelly all down my stairs or giving me a handful of brown organic diaper matter, the little cute things that he does are indeed what save his hide.
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