My Mom is not just a photographer, she has an addicton! She used to set up the tripod at our birthdays. We had to limit her to one roll of film per event. She was offended for a while, but reluctantly complied. She says that she loves to tell a story with her photos and does a great job. God bless those people who made digital cameras (they aren't nearly the same quality...yet, but they are getting there).
Periodically Mom would find a stash of 15-20 rolls of undeveloped film that she forgot about. Once on a trip to England, she took four rolls of film of the cloud formations out the window. We have never let her live that one down. In England she took 14-16 more rolls of pictures. Whew! It was like being there without any of the jet lag. My record is nine rolls at my sister's wedding, but that's different, isn't it?
Okay, I have a confession to make. I have the disease too, not quite so severe, but little people are so cute. I can't help myself. There is also the thrill of the hunt. My one year old is already trying to grab the camera out of my hand and is seen here covering the lens. But I have this need to take that perfect shot. I have scrapbooks that I dream about assembling (maybe when they all go to school) and the wedding slide shows to think about (blackmail photos here I come!). What photos that I do take that are horrible go in the digital dumpster. No harm, no foul. It is a no lose situation and a great hobby.
I love doing little videos too. My life is really interesting in four to ten minute segments and then it becomes all hard work and tedium again. True story. Well, I have to go, my kids are doing every cute thing that they can imagine while I'm occupied on the computer.
I wonder where I put that tripod?
I too love the camera. I seriously obsess about pictures. Whenever we're planning a trip I get excited because I'll get to take pictures. haha